Arcania: Gothic 4 Demo

This game has been through more name changes than Prince. When first announced, it was called Gothic 4: Genesis, and through its development cycle, it has been called Gothic 4: Arcania, Arcania: A Gothic Tale, and finally they settled on Arcania: Gothic 4. Whatever the game may be called, I am happy to inform you, my beloved reader, that the demo for this game is out now.

Read my impressions on FTG.

Forever fall superbowl

Looking for a free good time? No, I’m not going to give you my phone number.  Visit to play Captain Forever. It’s fun browser-based game where you build a space ship from modules floating around you. Once you build a small at the beginning you venture out to attack other ships. Defeating these ships allows you to take their parts and add them to your own ship. It’s an addictive time waster that I recommend.

The PlayStation 3’s motion controller is being delayed until this fall. Looks like were stuck sitting on the couch to play our games for another 7 months. Bummer. I was looking forward to waving my arms around wildly and dancing about my living room.

51% percent of the people watching the Super Bowl admit to liking the ads better than the game. I don’t even bother to watch the game. I go online the day after and find all the commercials. That’s how I found Hulu back in 2008.

Keep on gaming people!

Krayonetta, Cramp Hero, and Sales

Bayonetta is stirring up a storm over its sexiness.Kratos is an over the top male stereo type Devil May Cry is over the top with its violence while Bayonetta went for over the top sexy. People are screaming that it’s offensive to women when characters look like this. People seem to forget that men are equally ridiculous in games. Art portrays everything in a way that is better than the real world. Get over it.

I played some DJ Hero at Best Buy. It’s a fun and inventive game. The music is solid and the game mechanics work really well. Once you get past the part where you suck and can’t figure out what the frak is going on you feel like a DJ. After playing for an hour you will have hand cramps and feel like crap but it’s not DJ hero’s fault you can’t take the pain.

The game industry was down 8% in sales compared to last years sales. The good news is that in December sales were up 4%.  December also saw the most PlayStation 3’s sold in a month. Yeah I know, it’s boring number stuff.

Keep on gaming people!

Dragon Age > Modern Warfare 2

I didn’t think this would happen actually. I thought I was in a minority of gamers that would rather play an RPG then “the most anticipated game of the year”. Apparently PC gamers are all like me, which is a rather scary thought since world domination is on my list of life goals.

Dragon Age: Origins beat out Modern Warfare 2 in sales this week for the PC.  MW2 was of course the top-selling game for consoles, but DAO was number 2 for the 360, and it came in third on PS3. Now this means one of two things. Either all the bad changes to MW2 caused it to lose a significant amount of sales, or DAO is an awesome enough game to beat out MW2 no matter what. I think it’s a combination of the 2 myself.

Dragon age is truly a great game and it’s sales are showing it. I think it will take awhile for it to gain momentum and popularity since it’s new IP. I see this one staying strong with sales for bit.

Infinity Ward really frakked up this one for PC gamers. I’m actually surprised that it’s came in second and not worse. I’m sure they expected higher sales and are scratching their heads in bewilderment. Hopefully they might fix some of these issues to try and regain some lost sales. I’ll buy it if they make the multiplayer suited to the PC.

Keep on gaming people!



Hey Sony! I can has Netflix?!

Folks, soon you will have Netflix streaming on your Playstation 3. Great news huh? I thought so. What else can I say about it? I could say that it’s awesome, but that would make me sound like a dork.

Well now that the Public Service Announcement is out of the way let’s just look at streaming video as a whole. I am part of a small, but rising number of people who don’t have cable. I have Netflix and Hulu. I can watch every show that I desire. I keep up on Fringe, Lost, House, The Office, and the new Stargate. I am able to go back and watch older shows such as the Original Stargate or Monty Python’s Flying Circus. I can watch whatever I want, when I want, and have shorter commercial breaks, or no commercials at all. Top that off with my movies being mailed to me on a regular basis and I have a great (cheap) system going.

Keep streaming video people!


Uncharted 2 Extras

If you’re a fan of Sony’s new hit game, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, you might be interested in checking out the motion comic that’s been released for it on the PlayStation Network. It’s set before the first Uncharted game and sets up the character of Nathan Drake. It sounds a great idea to help market the game and it gives the current fans some more content. The first episode is free, but you’d have to pay for them after that.

Now i’m no marketing guru, but it would be to Sony’s advantage to make this available on other avenues before to long. They could make the motion comic available on iTunes or even on Sony’s website. It could help increase awareness of the Uncharted brand and increase console sales. With it only available on the PSN their preaching to the choir.

DLC will be coming to Uncharted 2 before the end of the year. Naughty Dog has also said that some of the DLC will be free. Their resources right now are completely dedicated to making more content for Uncharted 2. That’s great news for all the fans of the game.

It’s a great time to get a PS3. I don’t own one, and I probably won’t get one, but you should go buy one.

Keep on gaming people!

Santa Claus Will Bring you a PS3 this year!

And you better like it!

The Playstation 3 beat the Xbox 360 in sales for the past month.  Can it be the titan of sales this holiday season? Does it finally have the game library to support it? Does it’s online abilities compete with Xbox Live? Find out after we feen the reindeer!

reindeer_enjoy_their_work_3Ok, now that prancer has had his noms.

Sony’s track record says “Yes, we can rock this around the Christmas tree.”, but latley the Xbox and wii have been taking up the lime light. It isn’t too far fetched to believe that the PS3 could be the top console for at least one Christmas.

With recent console exclusives such as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Demon’s Souls the PS3 game selection is looking brighter. There isn’t alot of mainstream titles that are not availble for the PS3 these days. It’s taken awhile for it to find it’s feet, but it’s rock solid now.

As far as multiplayer goes, the PS3 has one up on Microsoft. It’s free. Live is not. Enough said. The average consumer is going to want to save $50 bucks a year.  I know I do.

My dollar bets on the PlayStation 3 coming out on top this holiday season.

Keep on gaming people!

Uncharted 2: Number 2 seller for all

Uncharted 2: Among Thievs
Uncharted 2: Among Thievs

Recently I read the news that the PlayStation 3 exclusive title Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the current number 2 seller for the month of October. I think that’s great news for the PS3. I can’t play it on my PC, but I’m still happy about it.

First reason it makes me happy is I hold a dark grudge against the Xbox 360. It’s become the Wal-Mart game system of choice and it’s lowering the bar for the rest of us. Cross platform games are generally developed with the 360 as the lead system resulting in lower graphics and performance. I understand why game companies do this. They need to make money to pay the bills.

Uncharted 2 is an amazing looking game using the Naughty Dog 2.0 and Havok engines. I don’t a game this awesome looking could run on the 360’s old hardware (it wasn’t that great to begin with). What I’m Hoping comes from this is more PS3/PC Exclusive games with higher graphics.

Games have fallen behind the current gen hardware and need to catch up. Uncharted 2 takes a bold step in that direction.

Now please let me have this on my PC.

Keep on gaming people!

Two Reasons I wish I owned a PS3

I hear people saying these are the two most fun games to date for the PS3, and since their doesn’t seem to be any other console sellers out there I’ll believe them.

Reason 1:Demon’s Souls

Demons Souls
Demon's Souls

A very hard RPG with pretty graphics. It has an interesting cooperative multi-player experience. In your game you see other players as ghosts that you can’t interact with outside of leaving messages for each other. These messages can have words of warning and tips. If you leave a good message another player can recommend it and your health will be recharged. You can also see blood spots where another player died. Clicking on these blood spots will allow you to see how they died. Demon’s soul sounds like a great RPG with some interesting new features.

Reason 2:Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

A action-adventure game where you get a play a man version of Lara Croft. Rather then being a sexy, puzzle solving, and wacky camera angles kinda girl, you get to be a rascally, thieving, stealthy, only slightly wacky camera angle kinda guy. Someday these types of games will use a camera style like God of War’s and they’ll work.

When these games come out for PC I’ll gladly buy them. And when Wii’s are free in happy meal’s I’ll get one of those too.

Keep dreaming people!